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The statement “you are what you eat” has become so cliche but people don’t overstand what it really means. Of course the scientific explanation will fully break down the science of how you become what you eat but in layman’s terms you will be able to understand the process of what happens to your body from the minute food enters the mouth.


Food you eat gets broken down by the organs.

The blood is then filtered and new blood cells are created by the food you eat.

Your body sends those blood cells to organs that need new blood cells.

The blood cells become what the other cells are just like birds of a feather flock together. So you can either perpetuate disease or heal it by WHAT YOU EAT.

When the blood becomes too toxic or acidic, disease occurs because now they body has to pull nutrients from healthy parts of the body to try and fix the unhealthy parts.

signs of disease usually starts with the skin because it is the biggest organ and the only outside indicator of whats happening on the inside. The disease attacks the weakest organ first.

Once an organ is compromised the body now is forced to work harder to heal it and other organs now have extra work to do resulting in LOW ENERGY. In others words if you continue to eat trash you will be trashed.

Its that simple. You are what you eat. Your body will eat you alive to try to stay alive.

What ever you do your cells also do . We are just molecules having chemical reactions everyday.


The liver creates new blood cells from what you eat so use HERBS to clean the blood and just simply EAT BETTER and you can create new cells and literally become a new person. WORKOUT, because it kills free radicals.  If you put a object in one spot for too long it collects dust and the same goes for humans. When we sit too long dust aka free radicals accumulate in the body and cause illness .


You first have to believe that all of this is possible and that the body is an intelligent being. You have to believe in nature and that you can heal from natural raw whole foods and herbs and minerals. You also eat through all 5 senses and your 6th sense which is energy. If you are around negative toxic people and are stressed by it that could be lowering your immunity as well so protect your energy protect your peace.