
DAY 1: 7 DAY FAST details and directions


It’s February the mon, Finally. January was thee longest month it honestly felt like 3 months to me. At the start of 2023 i did 2023 reps with my team at Wingate park to bring in the new year in a healthy and barbaric way.   This month i am continuing my monthly 7 day raw food fast. I created a pyramid of 7 days that can be used from beginner to advanced.  Its a friendly but challenging fast. I have a blog breaking down the 1st time it was done and how i felt and what i ate each day. This time i will be breaking down what i ate each day, why i ate what i ate, how  i felt, and the overall benefits of this 7 day fast. see photos for the structure at the end of the blog. follow @healuminati on ig for live updates

Preparation & Expectations

I made sure to go shopping before and on the first day of the fast to make sure i had fresh fruits and vegetables to make what i wanted as soon as I needed it.  Separation requires preparation. When you prepare for the things you want to accomplish it puts you in a lane all by yourself. You avoid unnecessary traffic. The purpose of this fast is to teach your body a reset and rebuild. It naturally detoxes you, gets rid of cravings, parasites, bloat, body odor, gas, constipation, brain fog and can assist in the ridding of excess mucus and abnormal growth in the body. You may experience increased sweating, increased bowel movements, increased urination and elimination in general. Lets just say this fast will have you flushing flushing.


This is can done for 21 days by simply working your way from day 1-7 then 7-1 and then back to 1-7 again. The longer the fast the better but you must be in good overall health to complete this fast because you need energy to cleanse especially if you will be working out during the fast. Before you start the fast make sure you are healthy and/or get permission to do a lifestyle change from your healthcare physician. This fast/detox/redox is not a cure for any illness or disease. This fast will assist in cleansing and rebuilding the body especially when using herbal teas and supplements along with your raw whole fruits and vegetables and water.



Breakfast: 9am

-Elderberry shot with black seed oil (immune booster and anti inflammatory support)

-Lichen tablets (plant based vitamin D supplement )

-3 Mandarins &  A Sour Tamarind - this combo is a good sweet sour balance, the tamarind is great for a liver and digestive flushing.  The sourness will help liver produce bile which is used for optimal digestion. This keeps the liver strong, healthy, and moving. Stagnation causes issues. Everything must move

-32oz of coconut water for complete hydration to the body. Helps to flush the system

-Herbal Tea

sarsaparilla  root, dandelion root, burdock root, red clover,  with buckwheat cinnamon honey - this combination of herbs help not only cleanse the blood but helps to build the blood so it helps with low iron and also skin issues like eczema and psoriasis dev

Lunch ( post workout) 5pm

Post workout smoothie ( did 1000 squats today)—


  • This smoothie was tasty and refreshing. All of The fruit are fruits that are good for the stomach, hemp seeds are one of my choices of protein as well as the chia seeds. They contain alot of amino acids and dates are great for killing parasites in the gut as well as easily sweetening your smoothie

Dinner - midnight


arugula, Baby spinach, Baby kale, Mixed greens, Onion, Peppers, Olives, Tomatoes, Cilantro, Parsley, Avocado, Cucumber, Pinch of cayenne pepper


Lemon juice, Lime juice, Olive oil, Apple cider vinegar

  • So as you can see this salad is the definition of tasting the rainbow.  I called it the kung fu salad because it is powerful , bad ass and like the black belt of salads rn. The leafy greens are great for chlorophyll  which help to oxygenate your cells and deodorize your body.  The cilantro and parsley are great a heavy metal detox. All the other veggies are full of water and micronutrients. I made my own salad dressing from lemon and lime juice, olive oil and apple cider vinegar. This dressing is acidic and perfect for bringing out the flavor in the vegetables in the salad but it also alkalizes the body once digested.  The olives, olive oil and avocado contain healthy fats that help with muscle feeding. While the greens add protein to the salad. The cayenne pepper increases blood circulation. Blood carries nutrients thruout the body

This was the last meal of the day, it digests fast and feeds my body  on a cellular level to support my body throughout this fast


1st day was a success.  Felt strong and energetic and my elimination this morning after breakfast was refreshing.  What i ate, when i ate it, and why i ate it,  was all done with intention. Everything you do should be with intention unless  it’s a do whatever  moment but this is not that.  There is a reason for all seasons in all that we do because everything is fractal in this universe.