


High in vitamins, minerals and phytoestrogens; used for menopausal symptoms and joint health.

American Ginseng

Traditional adaptogen supporting the whole body with increased energy levels, supports adrenal health. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Supports increased stamina, vitality and helps to strengthen immune function.


Used topically to ease aches, pains, and bruising.


A traditional bitter helping improve digestion and liver support especially when combined with other herbs like Milk Thistle and Dandelion that help remove toxins from the liver.


Considered one of the most prominent Ayurvedic herbs. Provides anti-stress, adaptogenic and antioxidant action. Prevents or minimizes imbalances that may lead to disease whether from poor diet, lack of sleep, mental or physical strain, or chemical toxins in the environment. Boosts energy. An amazing adaptogen.


A traditional adaptogen and tonic herb used to strengthen and support the immune system. Is safe and effective for long-term use without toxicity or harmful side effects. Helps the body to adapt to both environmental and pathological stress.

Beet root

Provides protection against oxidative stresses, offers digestive support, and excellent source of fiber.


Provides nutritional support to help maintain healthy vision. Contains the powerful antioxidant anthocyanoside, which provides protection from free radical damage.

Black Cohosh

Commonly used for menstrual problems, menopause and post-hysterectomy symptoms, joint health, and headaches

Black Elderberry

Also known as Sambucus. A popular herb used to help improve immune response during the cold and flu season.

Black Walnut

Anti-fungal used for gastrointestinal cleansing: also as a treatment for eczema and herpes skin disorders.


Contains trace minerals helpful in supporting the treatment of underactive thyroid glands.

Blue Cohosh

Antispasmodic for toning the uterus, easing false labor pains and threatened miscarriage. Also for coughs, colic or asthma.

CAUTION: Pregnant women should consult their health care professional before taking herbs.


Commonly used for immune system support during cold and flu season.


Provides help with skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. Also supports liver health.


Great for use in salves and other topical applications. Supports immune system when taken internally.

California Poppy

Antispasmodic or sedative, helpful in treating sleeplessness and over-excitability in children and adults.

Cascara Sagrada

Commonly used as a laxative and colon cleanser. Helps to relieve constipation.


Antispasmodic, relieves upset stomach. Good for children, particularly babies with colic. A rest-enhancer.


Supports headache relief and circulation. Stimulates appetite and digestion.


Anxiety support, sleep aid, gastrointestinal tract comfort. Used to treat nausea and motion sickness. Good for kids

Chastetree berries or vitex

Used for menstrual disorders, and relief of PMS symptoms.

Cinnamon "True" Cevlon, Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum)

has a long history of traditional use for gastrointestinal problems and to relieve the symptoms of colds and flu. New research shows promise in helping to improve metabolism of sugar, and as an antioxidant, possibly preventing free radical damage.


Used for nausea, stomach and intestinal gas, increasing circulation and aiding in digestion.


Great topically, to heal: cuts, abrasions, burns, ulcerations, bruises, broken bones, strained ligaments and tendons.

For external use only.


A traditional Chinese herb considered an adaptogen that supports adrenal and immune health. Strength and stamina support for healthy lung function, helping to improve athletic performance.


Used for urinary tract and bladder infections; also a valuable source of Vitamin C.


A tonic for the central nervous system, depression and anxiety related to sexual dysfunction.

Dandelion root

Supports liver function and digestion.

Dandelion leaf

Useful to relieve water retention in individuals prone to edema.

Devil's Club

Metabolism support.

Dong Quai

A long-term Chinese tonic for women. Used in treating female problems such as PMS.

Echinacea angustifolia and purpurea

Used for colds, flu and infections. Helps to wake up the immune system.


Improves stress resistance. Increases energy, endurance, and mental clarity.

Evening Primrose Oil

A rich source of Gamma Linoleic Acid, GLA. Used for PMS support and joint health. Also helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.


Often used to relieve symptoms related to sinusitis, hay fever and allergies. Support for eye health


Excellent help with stomach and intestinal problems. Good for children.


This amazing herb is now very popular as a safe and effective way to help improve lactation in nursing mothers. Traditionally used to help support digestive and respiratory function


May prevent or reduce the severity of migraines; also useful for allergy support. A powerful anti-inflammatory.


Supports cardiovascular health. Good for respiratory and digestive infections; has antimicrobial activity


A natural inflammatory an warming circulatory and metabolic stimulant. Used eat nausea related to motion and improves digestion.


Used as a treatment for conditions associated with aging including memory loss and poor circulation.


Used topically as an effective antiseptic, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, internally also a traditional remedy for digestive system and urinary tract infections.

Gotu Kola

Stimulates the central nervous system, decreases fatigue and depression. Also used for memory enhancement.

Green Tea

Potent antioxidant used for cardiovascular support and gum health


Used in Ayurvedic medicine to assist with sugar balance in diabetics. CAUTION:

Diabetics should monitor sugar levels carefully if taking Gymnema


A tonic herb considered an herb of choice for centuries for both physical and spiritual affairs of the heart.

Holy Basil (tulsi)

Considered the holiest of Ayurvedic herbs, it has been used for over 5,000 years to support longevity and a positive and more balanced stress and stamina response.


Good for nervousness, anxiety, insomnia and stress. Supports relaxation. A powerful muscle relaxant.


Support for upper respiratory ailments.


This astringent herb helps to improve kidney function and supports water retention.


Used for anxiousness, muscle soothing, premenstrual cycle support.


A natural source of iodine helping to support thyroid function


A pleasant aromatic herb traditionally used to help with sleeplessness, nervousness, anxiety, nervous stomach, nausea, indigestion and motion sickness

Lemon Balm

Eases digestive tract spasms. Also helps with tension, depression, anxiety and insomnia. Good for children.


A digestive aid great for upset stomach and digestive disorders.


A true adaptogen supports lung health, digestion, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and liver protection.


Antiviral, stimulates immune system and decreases inflammation from colds, flu, sore throat or other respiratory infections.


A true adapotgen helping to increase stamina, vitality and balance. Supports adrenal function providing balance to the whole body. A wonderful reproductive herb for both men and women


Traditionally used to calm and soothe the stomach and intestinal tract. Also used for sore throats.

Milk Thistle

Traditionally used as a liver tonic, now modern research supports the traditional use in many areas including protecting the liver from toxins, and damage by multiple viruses.


A female tonic for anxiety or tension related to delayed menstruation, menopausal changes and false labor pains. Good for heart palpitations and nervous pulse.

CAUTION: Pregnant women should consult their health care professional before taking herbs.


Provides excellent support for upper respiratory conditions.

Myrrh gum

A classic blood cleanser can also be used to combat yeast infections.

Nettle leaf

When taken in freeze dried form, provides relief from hay fever and allergy symptoms

Nettle root

A general tonic for the prostate; also contains many essential minerals


Strengthens the nervous system, helps with exhaustion, depression and stress. Restores energy.

Olive leaf

Immune, heart and circulation support.


An important culinary and medicinal herb used for thousands of years providing anti-inflammatory activity.

Oregon Grape

Possesses many of the same antiseptic, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties as Goldenseal.


An expectorant and immune stimulant for viral or bronchial infections or coughs


An important culinary and medicinal herb used for digestion, antibacterial and also a diuretic.

High in vitamins and minerals.


A mild sedative and calmative. Good for insomnia and other sleep disorders

Pau d'Arco

A standard for controlling yeast as well as offering a broad-spectrum immune support.


Calms stomach and intestinal tract, relieves nausea.


This antiseptic herb supports water balance and assists in kidney or bladder function.


Natural digestive aid.


Nutritional support for the prostate.

Red Clover

Contains isoflavones, the same compounds found in soy. Promotes skin health and useful as a blood cleanser.

Red Raspberry

Supports the womb during the third trimester of pregnancy. Useful for nursing women.

CAUTION: Pregnant women should consult their health care professional before taking herbs.


Useful for long-term immune support.


A powerful adaptogen helping the body to adapt to stress, both environmental and pathological. Enhances physical endurance and performance.


Provides a balancing effect for the digestive system.

Rose Hips

A rich source of Vitamin C.


Rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. An all-natural way to fight pain.


Traditionally used for sore throats  and upper respiratory disorders, due to the large presence of therapeutic volatile oils within the leaf.

Saw Palmetto

Nutritional support for the prostate.


Considered the most Also used to widely relevant nervine available.. Used to relieve insomnia, restless sleep, anxiety and nervous exhaustion. Helps the body to react to stress in a healthy way

Slippery Elm

Commonly used to promote colon health.


Loaded with vitamins and a rich source of antioxidants

St. John's Wort

Commonly recommended as a treatment for mild to moderate depression. Used topically to relieve aches and pains.


Soothes digestive system. Traditionally used for respiratory infections


A highly regarded spice used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine Turmeric's antioxidant properties provide protective nutritional support to the cardiovascular: system, joints, and liver. Standardized turmeric extract supplies enhanced levels of the principally active constituent curcumin.

Uva Ursi

Supports water balance and kidney and bladder function.


Good as treatment for nervousness, stress and insomnia. Helps to promote sleep.

Western Red Cedar

A strong anti-fungal and anti-bacterial used as a general immune system enhancer and for respiratory support.

White Willow

Contains salicylic acid, the natural building block of acetyl salicylic acid (aspirin). Used as an anti-inflammatory and for mild pain.

Wild Yam

Used for menstrual pain relief


An anti-fungal used for gastrointestinal cleansing or  digestion stimulation.

Yellow Dock

Supports the relief of liver and skin conditions such as psoriasis  also used to support colon health

DISCLAIMER: This information is to educate the consumer on widely accepted uses of common herbs. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. If you have, or think you have, a condition which requires medical attention, a health care professional should be consulted. This informational reference guide is not intended to medically prescribe or promote the use of herbs for health conditions, and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical consultation.