


Some say cash rules everything around us, some say money is the root to all evil and some even say money is the route of all people. While all of these hold truths, one major fact that trumps all of the mentioned is that good health is good money aka true wealth and that the true currency of this earth is not money but it is nature and energy. Healuminati believes by changing the way you look at money it can change the value it holds in your life. Isn’t It ironic that the things most valuable in life are priceless and everything that money can actually buy is worthless.

Morals over money

Morals over money means to invest time wisely into yourself as you do at your job, invest in your health as you do material things, make change and save yourself as you do your money. We exchange energy for money so money now becomes a form of energy hence why its called currency. Money is what money does.

What do we do with money? We work for it, save it, invest and we spend or use it. The same rules should apply for you. We should work on ourselves, save and invest in ourselves and spend ourselves, meaning be useful by applying the wisdom we gain from experience and expend unto others.

How to increase your wealth

-Invest time and money into healthy things like good healthy food, healthy activities like yoga, exercise, preparing your own food and alone time to reflect and work towards your personal goals

-Save yourself the trouble of being sick by becoming your own doctor and preventing dis-ease and illness.

-Making change in others by expending healthy information and experience

  • by becoming rich in health(true wealth) you will in turn attract or manifest money into your life so that you can exchange it for more things in this world that will contribute to your health such as traveling, good food, and all great experiences money can buy

The goal in life is to CREATE ART, STAY HEALTHY, OBEY NATURE and LOVE YOURSELF. We are the HEALUMINATI and we say CASH ONLY because ONLY CASH makes change. Bottom line. 
