
Creations & Their Creators

Creations are made in the image of the creator.  We are machines. If you dont use, clean or take care of a machine it will break down. This is why exercise and eating healthy is priority. Understanding the things around us help you understand how your mind and body works and will give you a different or a new perspective on how people operate in general.  We are creators yes but we are also creations. 

Computers work like the brain/central nervous system

The main components of a computer is the operating system, the motherboard and the Long term and short term memory. The operations system is the brain of the computer. The motherboard is the structure of the computer system so its much like the nervous system and the memory of the computer is RAM and the hard disk space just like the pre frontal lobe in the brain.

TVs work like the mind/body

Like your mind broadcasts your ideas, thoughts, and information TVs broadcast or project programs, and information, Transmits visuals and produce sound all thru the body (screen and speakers) tvs receive signal for channeling. As humans we also can tap into and channel energy. Via display of who we are at the moment

Cars work like an entire body

The car is a whole entity.  Your body is the vehicle of your soul.  Cars are complex systems with interrelated parts that perform specific tasks.

The main parts of the car is the engine, vehicle bus, the ECUs, sensors, software, and body.

The engine is the heart, the vehicle bus is the nervous system, the ECUs are like the organs, The sensors are the car's eyes and ears. And the software is our individual programs. Every car has a driver. 👁 

Headphones or speakers work like ears

The  function of the ear is  to detect, transmit and transduce sound. Anything every created that reproduces sound or intakes sound works the same way as our very own sound system

Film Cameras work like the eye

Its not ironic that we use our own eye to use a machine that captures what we see with our own eyes. It seems us godly people created an eye for an eye. LOL 👁

Like our eyes , you have to focus the camera, light enters the camera lens, which consists of several layers of glass that focus the light. Like our eye's iris, the camera aperTURE constricts as necessary to control the amount of light that enters and then at the blink of the eye the picTURE is capTUREd. 

Cellphones work like mind/body/spirit energy connection with the universe

Like a humans energy connects with planets.The antenna converts an electric signal to the radio wave (transmitter) and vice  versa (receiver) like how planets and start transmit waves or signals to us as the receiver.  All cellphones run on programs, and are all individually personalized.  We are all astrologically different.  The sun the moon, the stars and the planets all play a major role in who we are . Our frequency  is our wavelength or what we put out. Your cellphone device takes frequency and matches it to the frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum. Then that encoded frequency can be transmitted from point A to a cell tower via the electromagnetic spectrum. Your heart has an emf, an electro magnetic field that attracts and also transmits. So having your own wave, riding the wave, being wavy, is a real thing. We are Selfones lol


We can go on for hours and hours about everything that was ever created to be like something of the creator. Plants to me are our equal meaning they were created by the same thing we are created by just in a different aspect a higher frequency, the only way to communicate with plants is to consume them thats why i believe we need to consume plants to help make us whole. Animals and insects on the other hand are also our equal of cours expressed at a different frequency but not too much different. We can communicate with these other beings and this is why I believe we shouldn’t slaughter and consume animals because of the energy transfer.

Gods create gods hence people creating people. The moral of the story is next time you  notice a machine, or see an object or thing that has inner workings think about how it may be similar to yourself to sometimes get a deeper understanding about the people, places and things around us and in us. Just something to think about

Everything that is created is created n the image of the creator. The Art of Life
