


What goes out is almost if not more important than what goes in. Our body is a system, a design, a work of art.  Every cell and every organ has a purpose and they all work together for one common goal, to keep YOU alive and functional just like any other machine that is created with inner workings and moving parts. Elimination are one of many and one of the most important systems we have. What goes in must come out. Even your cells have to eliminate. This system works like pipes in a draining system and if any pipe gets clogged it messes up the flow of the other pipes which cause bigger problems like floods and overflowing.

Elimination is true detoxification, you cannot properly detox if you cannot eliminate it doesnt matter what herbal detox supplements you take.  Although some herbs can help ASSIST with elimination.

4 channels of elimination:

  1. Respiration

  2. Perspiration

  3. Urination

  4. Defecation

Respiration helps to not only take in oxygen but to release any toxins in the air that we breathe in. Practicing deep breathing is very good for releasing toxins and reducing inflammation .  Breathing in toxins also affects the liver because it goes into our bloodstream so try to stay away from toxic cleaning products and perfumes, sprays, smoke and fumes etc

Perspiration helps to release excess waste and toxins   Through the skin, thats why its important to what we place on the skin. The skin is a large organ also referred to as the second kidney because it helps to filter out. Skin brushing, exercise and saunas are good ways to induce detoxification through perspiration.

Urination is filtered blood. This is why its so important to drink water because it helps the kidneys filter blood to push those excess waste and toxins out.  Excess minerals are released as well.  The average person needs to drink at least a half a gallon to a gallon of water per day

Defecation is the process of eliminating everything you eat. What goes into the intestines needs to eventually come out of the colon so if you are constipated it needs to be addressed immediately.  Eating fiber, fruits and vegetable and drinking fruit and vegetable juice makes it easier to absorb nutrients digest and eliminate waste.  Processed foods and sugars disrupt this process by causing food sensitivities, allergies and intolerance breaking down the digestive system and this is where also of disease starts. 


When toxins are not eliminated out of the body they cycle back into and around the body and cause many issues. Congestion is usually the culprit for inflammation aka anything ending in -itis

  • When The respiratory tract is congested you may experience dis eases like asthma, bronchitis, copd,  brain fog,  etc

  • When the you don’t perspire your sweat glands and skin become congested and you experience things like abscess, acne , skin issues, infections etc

  • When your urinary tract is congested you may experience bladder infections, kidney stones, high blood pressure, heart disease , skin problems, diabetes, reproductive issues, 

  • When your digestive tract is congested you may experience constipation, an array of gut issues, high cholesterol, weight gain, diabetes, skin problems, reproductive issues,  liver problems,  etc

And if the inflammation is not addressed overtime these diseases and illnesses can turn into more terminal diseases like  cancer. Cancer is the 7th and last stage of disease. The 7 stages are

Enervation, toxemia, irritation, inflammation, ulceration, induration and cancer