
The Detox Matrix

Cells make tissues, tissues make organs, organs make systems and the systems make your body whole and functioning.


Your lymphatic system  is your immune system and your immune system is at the seat of your digestive system. This is why when speaking about detoxing  3 things that need to be addressed is digestion/absorption, utilization and elimination. You digest and absorb through your digestive system and what is useful is utilized by the cells/tissues/organs/systems and immune system and then the waste or what is not utilized is eliminated via excretory systems.

Your immune system consist of lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, the spleen, bone marrow, the skin, the thymus, and mucous membranes.

Your digestive system consist of  your mouth, esophagus, liver, stomach, large and small intestine and the colon. 

and Organs of excretion or elimination include the skin , liver , large intestine/colon , lungs , and kidneys


When a person gets sick the symptoms are the bodys natural immune response to the condition that is building up. The symptoms are actually your protection because the symptoms job is to get rid of the toxins or waste. 

The lymphatic system protects us from disease and infection.  It is a drainage system and a delivery system as it moves fluid from body tissues into blood circulation.  Inside the lymph nodes is where bacteria and viruses or damaged cells get trapped and destroyed and then the lymph fluid carries the waste to the bloodstream to be removed by liver and kidneys and they get passed out through urine or bowel movement, Sweat and exhalation.


The kidneys play a huge role in lymphatic cleansing and immune health because you are not only what you eat and absorb but you are also what you utilize and eliminate.  If the kidneys cannot properly filter out the waste that is dumped by the lymphatic system then you will just have toxins RE-circulating throughout the body damaging other healthy cells and weakening the organs and other tissues.

This is why it’s important to keep the lymphatic system healthy because when the lymphatic system gets overburdened it may cause issues in the lymph nodes and in blood.

keeping the kidneys healthy and strong is a must. Drink plenty of water, keep blood pressure and blood sugar at healthy levels, be active and nourish the kidneys with foods like cranberries, grapes, berries, and leafy greens and herbs like parsley, dandelion, juniper berries, and nettle.


the most natural ways to cleanse the lymphatic system is to start with cleansing the entire digestive system, drinking water, eating fruits, vegetables, fasting (not recommended for every situation) exercising but those who are not able to physically exercise, dry brushing is an alternative.

so when doing a detox make sure you not only address the digestive system but you also address the the excretory system, nervous system, the glandular system and then the others respectfully. I will go into a deeper conversation on this in future journals.


start with bitters along with a clean eating diet/ fasting/ exercise and water flushing to cleanse the digestive system. in some cases certain peoples bodies aren’t able to absorb and utilize nourishment and a lot of the good stuff gets wasted or some peoples excretory systems are weak and not working properly and so they manifest disease into their bodies when trying to detox so inquire about detox packages that will consist of herbal creations and compounds that will assist the body in cleaning out, strengthening and regenerating the lymphatic(immune) system, and kidneys.