
The Life and Death of Inflammation


Disease and illness comes down to one word, inflammation. inflammation is an acid based problem. Short term inflammation is a natural response by the body to try to protect ones tissues (organs, glands, cells, blood) from more severe symptoms. If the root cause of inflammation is not rectified then it can become more severe with prolonged ignored inflammation. Inflammation has the ability to turn into a degenerate illness like cancer or in other words acidosis.


The word itis means disease, this is why all acute diseases have the word itis attached to them for example:  

arthritis (inflammation of the joints)

Colitis (inflammation of the colon)

Bronchitis ( inflammation of the branchial tubes in the lungs)

Hepatitis ( inflammation of the liver)

Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas

Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder)

Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate)

Cellulitis (inflammation of the skin)

Nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys)

Sinusitis (inflammation of the sinus)

its weird to me that after we eat a meal we think having the ITIS means we ate good. if you have the ITIS after you eat just know that feeling you feel is an INFLAMED gut. trust me you don’t want to have the itis after a meal, it means it was too heavy and too acidic. the body functions best when the food is light and alkaline.


When this inflammation is not dealt with it turns into a more severe and degenerate disease

Believe it or not but inflammation is actually the fourth stage of disease

The 1st sign or stage of illness is the inability to eliminate toxicity and this is called enervation

Toxicosis is the 2nd sign and this is when you have the build up of toxins in the body from not eliminating them

3rd is irritation and this irritation may come in the form of anything that the body is forcing on you in efforts to try to eliminate these toxins, sneezing, coughing, vomit, diarrhea, excessive sweating, frequent urination, itchiness and anything else uncomfortable .

4th is inflammation which is the bodies healing activity, it can be mucus production or swelling in the area to try to protect the area from damage, here is where the body will further try and eliminate toxins that have been concentrated and ignored in this area overtime

5th is ulceration, when inflammation is not enough, then the toxins poison the tissues and start to weaken and destroy the tissues. Ulcers and   tissue tears can occur at this point but if actions are taken this can be reversed and the body will start to heal and strengthen all tissue damage on its own.

6th is induration which is the hardening or calcifying of tissues in the form of tumorous tissue or scarred tissue, the scarred tissue is your body trying to repair the ulcerated tissues by hardening and blocking off further damage to nearby tissue. In most cases, this stage is as far as the illness will go for some because the scar tissue is the protection again further disease but sometimes depending on a persons lifestyle and genetics things get alot worse than this overtime.

And lastly the 7th stage is cancer. The cells of that tissue are no longer obedient to you and they start to do their own thing. Your vitality has been breeched and the cells now are unorganized and run around without a purpose.  For example when arthritis turns into bone cancer or when colitis turns into colon cancer or bronchitis turns into lung cancer. Cancer is some cases can be reversed but with very aggressive means at this point so please dont ignore the sign language of your body listen to your body when you are feeling pain or discomfort and make an effort to fix the issue as soon as possible and try not to mask the symptoms with pain killers or antibiotics because these things have side effects that leave you with another issue on the SIDE of what you are already dealing with.


Unfortunately some people are on over the counter medications, medications have side effects and these side effects may cause long term complications in the body because medications are filled with steroids and chemicals that turn off or block the bodies natural self healing systems and messengers. 

If you are not at the point where you are taking medication it is best that you take your health into your own hands and start your detoxification process as soon as possible and start to rebuild your body to be stronger and healthier naturally. If you are on medication you should talk to your health care provider about getting off the medication and start looking into holistic doctors that can treat your illness and disease with natural medicine.  Because the two dont mix.


When getting to the root cause of inflammation we must understand that detoxing the body and then rebuilding the body is the only way. Moving away from acid forming things and introducing a more alkaline and astringent (has a contracting effect or strong taste) based lifestyle is the solution. Detoxing is not limited to herbal medicine, the first form of detoxing is abstinence. Abstaining from white sugar, alcohol, smoke, processed foods, chemicals, dairy and animal flesh,  wheat/gluten, coffee, and all carbonated drinks is a must when detoxing the body. Emotional stress is also something to get under control as stress raises cortisol levels and puts a strain on your organs.

Once these degenerate foods are taken out the diet now we can rebuild the body by drinking plenty of fresh spring water, eating plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables, taking herbal medicines, exercising, fasting and resting allowing the body to do what it does with renewing energy.


our body has 4 elimination pathways that help the body to detox

Urination, bowel movement, sweat and exhalation. These pathways work best when the bodily systems are working properly, the liver, the kidneys, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, the digestion system and the lymphatic system must be working at an optimum level for detoxification to be easiest, if your systems are not up to par you can build them up to par with those solutions mentioned above.