

Glands and Chakras

At each point of your energy centers or “chakras” there are glands and a set of organs that are connected with that chakra or energy center. The glands govern the organs. This explains why a unbalanced chakra can manifest into a physical imbalance and vice versa.  Chakras are literally the ganglion in the organs. Ganglions are clusters of nerve endings. These clusters of nerves need high amounts of carbon or melanin because they operate at such a high frequency, they are very electrical and so they give off and receive signal/messages/information etc.

The gland system is called the endocrine system. The glands secrete hormones that tell the organs what to do.  So in all reality your life is lead by your glands which govern the chemicals in your body, we are just chemical beings that are made up of actions and reactions. Glands secrete, organs produce. Lets start at the bottom because that’s how things are built. UP.


The 1st gland starting at the root chakra are the adrenal glands which sit on top of the kidneys and is in charge of pretty much everything, your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, the autonomic nervous system (things that run on auto pilot like breathing, heart beat, digestion etc), mineral utilization, sugar and salt metabolism, produce adrenaline and cortisol which is a stress hormone used for survival, fight or flight. Fear and insecurity closes your root chakra and also cuts off circulation of oxygen to the brain, this is why you cannot think clearly when you are afraid or scared. The root chakra governs survival and needs.


The 2nd gland is gonads or the reproductive organs and produce sexual and growth hormones and secrete LIFE FORCE. Your gonads are near the sacral chakra which controls pleasures of life.


The 3rd gland is the pancreas which controls blood sugar and secrete insulin. In the pancreas there are over 4000 enzymic reactions happening, these enzymes help to break down your food. These cells are located even deeper in the energy center, inside of the ganglion. It is called islands of Langerhans where alpha, beta and delta cells produce insulin, glycogen and statins. The substances use one another to get into the blood, break down food and yield it as ATP ( adenosine triphosphate)  for energy. The organs involved with the pancreas is the gut and digestive system Which is centered with the solar plexus which controls your will power and ability to make things happen, this is why you get a “gut feeling” about something you know Because food is information


The 4th gland is the thymus is between the lungs near the heart centered with the heart chakra which deals with love and compassion for others, dealing with your own shame and guilt and forgiveness. The thymus gland is part of the lymphatic system which protects the body by cleansing disease out of the body. This is why you must protect the heart because the heart protects you. Your bones produce red and white blood cells and those same cells have to go through the thymus gland where they are transformed into a more specific blood cell based on the needs of your body. For example if your body needs more T-cells or B-cells it will be produced in the thymus. Your heart has its own electromagnetic field and this field protects you from bad energies, frequencies and radiation just like the thymus gland protects the cell membrane (Goji apparatus)


The 5th gland is the thyroid. It produces substances that pull calcium from the bone matrix and out into the bloodstream to buffer acid. If you have too much acid/mucus in the body and the ph is off, calcium neutralizes it and crystalizes it, this is why its important to make sure you don’t have too much mucus in the body because these crystalized tissues can become too big and too hard and turn into what you call tumors. These glands also regulate body temperature and metabolism, makes your body heat up to sweat out acids/toxins/mucus or to help the body to cool down in heat. Its centered with the throat chakra which controls communication. This gland/chakra must be balanced because too much or too little of this hormone results in hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism which can cause someone to be overweight or underweight. Even as an unbalanced chakra too much or too little communication is not a good thing.


The 6th is the the pineal gland which produce melatonin and serotonin. Involved in circadian rhythm your biological clock, regulates sleep and is activated by darkness and light. Melatonin is produced in the day and released at night and serotonin is produced in the night and released in the day. It is centered with the minds eye also known as the third eye which controls your reality. Right next to the pineal is the pituitary which plays a major role in the reproductive system, for women it is involved in the production of prolactin which is for breast milk an oxytocin which is also called the love binding hormone.


The 7th is Hypothalamus campus which coordinates both the autonomic nervous system and the activity of the pituitary. Controlling body temperature, thirst, hunger, and other balances in the body like emotional activity. This gland is also called the master gland which communicates with other glands in the body. This gland secretes hormones to every other gland when needed, stores memory in tissues all over the body and also plays a role in fight or flight This is how your root and crown are connected and once one of those are off it can imbalance or shift everything else in between. This gland is centered with the crown chakra which controls your spirituality and ability to connect with the universe and earth. Below and above.


There is no coincidence that the 7 glands are aligned with the 7 chakras. This is an intelligent design and divine creation that you are. Your only job is to overstand who and what you are. What we eat effects the glands and puts stress on the body which makes your body go into fight or flight mode because cortisol levels are increased and once the adrenals are overactive, blood sugar, blood pressure, hormones, melatonin, etc are all effected and this imbalance creates illness and then your energy is off. Once your energy centers become imbalanced you throw your body and mind into a downward spiral which lowers your vibration hence the saying bad vibes, negative vibes. In order to come out of the downward cycle of attracting what you are negatively, you must reboot your system by fasting, meditation and eating light and clean, cleanse the gut and exercise. These things help you produce happy hormones which lowers cortisol and brings the body and energy back to balance. 



When you heal the kidneys/adrenals/root chakra you can heal everything else The adrenals, liver  hypothalamus and lymphatic system all work together. The adrenals talk to the hypothalamus which sends a message to the lymphatic system telling it to start the detox process and eliminate waste.

The best things to do to heal is to eat berries and melons, fasting, exercise and meditation.

Berries are high in antioxidants so its full of oxygen and is light frequency and easily digested. The bioflavonoids and tannins help circulation by slightly and naturally and safely thinning the blood. Eat a variety of the berry kingdom. ( blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, juniper berries, bilberries, hawthorne berries,etc)
