

A vitamin is another word for Vital Mineral. minerals are non-living elements aka inorganic elements. Inorganic elements have an absence of carbon. Organic elements contain carbon. Vitamins (minerals) that stimulate action in the body are known as hormones. Vitamins that assist in actions taking place in the body are known as enzymes. Minerals stabilize, vitamins energize, enzymes assist and hormones stimulate. Vitamins are either water soluble (dissolve in water) or oil soluble (dissolves in oil). Water soluble vitamins are easily depleted faster than oil soluble vitamins because oil soluble vitamins are stored in the body longer because they are stored in body fat.


Helps metabolize minerals, fats and sugars. Good for nerves, brain, bones and muscles


mineral for bones, teeth, heartbeat, nerve signals, cholesterol and blood pressure. helps keep skin healthy and relieves muscle cramps.

Deficiencies include weak bones, muscle cramps and spasms, high blood pressure and cholesterol, nerve problems and heart problems


metabolizes adipose fat tissue, for example Cellulite and stubborn body fat.helps balance blood pressure and metabolizes cholesterol. Good for the kidneys, brain function, reproduction and fetal development.

Deficiencies include arteriosclerosis ( hardening of arteries), inability to digest fats, kidney and liver problems, high blood pressure and ulcers


works with manganese, essential for digestion and metabolism of proteins, glucose ,fats, cholesterol and other nutrients. assist in stabilizing blood sugar.

Deficiencies include diabetes, anxiety, fatigue, heart disease.


This mineral is found mostly in the brain, liver, kidney and heart. Good for nerves, bones, joints, skin and tissues. copper is needed for energy, hair color and sense of taste. Helps to form antioxidants and improves enzyme functions.

Deficiencies include skin disease, weakness, kidney, heart and brain problems, digestive issues.


oxygenates cells, boosts the immune system

Deficiencies include allergies, infections, cancer cells, high cholesterol


iodine kills bacteria, regulates hormones and cellular activity.

Deficiencies include obesity, anemia, low blood pressure, impotence.


essential for making and oxygenating blood cells, energy and immunity.

Deficiencies include anemia, mental and nerve problems, low immunity, heavy menstrual. fatigue, pale skin


essential for nerves and brain.

Deficiencies include depression, mental disorders


helps you absorb more minerals and enhances enzyme activity. helps form bones and metabolize carbs. prevents calcification of glands and tissues. Works well with calcium and potassium. Good for nerve health.

Deficiencies include poor digestion, pain, fatigue, seizures, confusion, irritability, bone loss, diabetes, nerve issues, rapid heartbeat, lung issues, and depression.


used to form fluid in joints and cartilage. Assist metabolism, digestion, nerve health, bone health, immune system and blood sugar.

Deficiencies include poor bone health, digestive problems, heart problems, weak memory, eye problems, hypertension.


strengthens the teeth and bones. Helps cell function

Deficiencies include mouth and gum disease


essential for bones and teeth, nerves and kidney function. helps blood clotting and heart muscle and rhythm.

although rare Deficiencies include tooth decay, gum disease, delayed wound healing, weak immune systems, nerve and mental problems, weakness and skin issues.


vital for the heart, stabilizes blood pressure to help prevent strokes. works with sodium to control water in the body, good for muscles and cramping, prevents kidney stones and assist nutrients to cells.

Deficiencies include heart problems, high blood pressure, dry skin, cramping, headaches, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue.


Protects the body from toxins and improves liver function to protect glutathione. selenium regulates hormones.

Deficiencies include liver damage, weakness, pancreas and digestive issues, low immunity, abnormal cell growth.


keeps arteries flexible to prevent heart disease. Assist the formation of tissue and collagen for healthy nails, hair and skin. very essential mineral.

Deficiencies include bone, hair, skin problems, infections and inflammation


helps to maintain water balance in the body, maintains healthy muscles, nerves, organs and blood alkalinity. Natural salt is good and found in celery and sea veggies. Table salt is poison and causes high blood pressure, weight gain, pms, hypertension, kidney damage, bloat, weak bones, and addiction.

Deficiencies are rare but makes your body acidic


good for healthy skin, hair, and nails. kills bacteria in the blood. protects the body from radiation and pollution and stimulates bile production. This mineral is considered an amino acid.

Deficiencies include unhealthy hair, nails and skin


assist the pancreas in maintaining healthy insulin production and utilization of sugar. good for metabolism, bones and cellular growth and reproduction.

Deficiencies include diabetes, kidney disease, reproduction issues.


Helps build and produce new cells. essential for prostate and reproductive organs, boost immunity, protects the liver, prevents free radical formation, Helps to heal wounds, stimulates taste and smell. it helps the body increase vitamin A and maintain vitamin E.

Deficiencies include easily infected, weak immunity, impotence, poor sense of small and taste, acne, white spots on nails, slow wound healing, slow hair growth, fatigue and high cholesterol.