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A vitamin is another word for Vital Mineral. minerals are non-living elements aka inorganic elements. Inorganic elements have an absence of carbon. Organic elements contain carbon. Vitamins (minerals) that stimulate action in the body are known as hormones. Vitamins that assist in actions taking place in the body are known as enzymes. Minerals stabilize, vitamins energize, enzymes assist and hormones stimulate. Vitamins are either water soluble (dissolve in water) or oil soluble (dissolves in oil). Water soluble vitamins are easily depleted faster than oil soluble vitamins because oil soluble vitamins are stored in the body longer because they are stored in body fat.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is good for hair, skin, and eye health as well as organ tissues and helps to form bones. Vitamin A is good for tissue health this means that it also boosts immunity by reducing stress, providing more energy, and combating cold, flu and other infections. It is an antioxidant, it oxygenates the cells which help prevent heart disease. Beta carotene can be used in place of vitamin A. This vitamin is oil soluble.

Deficiencies include eye problems, breathing issues, skin diseases and weak immune systems

Vitamin B1

Also known as thiamine. this vitamin is good for the brain and nervous system, the circulatory and the digestive system. Helps with digestion by helping to make hydrochloric acid in the stomach, aids in metabolism, boosts cognitive function and memory. This vitamin is water soluble.

Deficiencies include: weak memory, muscle weakness, depression, weight loss, digestive issues, constipation and loss of appetite

Vitamin B2

Also known as riboflavin. This Vitamin plays a key role in blood formation, cell growth and reproduction. Helps the body absorb Vitamin B6 and helps cells carry oxygen throughout the body. This vitamin is water soluble.

Deficiencies include inflammation, skin sores, itching and cracking , weak eyesight and sensitive eyes, diarrhea and insomnia

Vitamin B3

Also known as Niacin. Niacin helps the body metabolize carbs, fats and proteins. Aids in digestion, circulation and teethe nervous system. Promotes secretion of liver bile and stomach acid for digesting. This vitamin is water soluble.

Deficiencies include anemia, cold hands and feet, nervousness, mental issues, headaches, low blood sugar and digestive issues.

Vitamin B5

also known as Pantothenic acid. Used to keep adrenal glands healthy which control stress, anxiety, cortisol levels and hormones. This vitamin helps to make neurotransmitters that improve the nervous system. This vitamin is water soluble.

Deficiencies include allergies, insomnia, headaches, mental illness, fatigue, hair loss, depression, low blood pressure and low blood sugar

Vitamin B6

Also known as pyridoxine. Helps to balance minerals in the body, Helps the body absorb vitamin B12. prevents heart disease. boosts immunity and antibody production. Helps to form red blood cells and assist the body in using proteins and fats. This vitamin is water soluble.

Deficiencies include allergies, inflammation, skin issues, delayed wound healing, hair loss, depression, mouth and teeth issues, vomiting and nausea.

Vitamin B12

This Vitamin is needed for protein synthesis, metabolizing fats and carbohydrates and food digestion. Helps the body use iron and is useful for red blood cell production. useful in preventing nerve damage. This vitamin is water soluble.

Deficiencies include poor energy, eye problems, digestion problems, spinal cord degeneration, bone loss, body odor, constipation, fatigue, memory loss, poor appetite and palpitations.

Vitamin B13

Vitamin B13 are two different acids. Orotic acid which is good for reproduction of cells and pandemic acid which helps the body utilize oxygen, metabolize fat and regulates circulation and cholesterol. This vitamin is water soluble.

Deficiencies include hypoxia, fatty liver and decreased cell growth.

Vitamin H

Also known as Biotin. The vitamin for hair and skin. helps cell growth, red blood cell formation, and helps the body use other B- vitamins.

Deficiencies include infertility and other reproductive issues, hair loss, skin issues, high blood sugar, dry scalp, muscle weakness pain, anemia and depression


Enhances the function and production of white blood cells, nourishes the brain, helps with cell division and replication which is very useful for fetal cell and embryonic development. Prevents hardening of the arteries. A basic part of folate is Para Aminobenzoic Acid aka PABA, it helps the body use vitamin B5, the bacteria in the intestines turn PABA into folate.

Deficiencies include weak immune system, gray hair, birth defects, paranoia, insomnia, memory loss, digestive issues, and white spots on the skin.


helps the body form lecithin, prevents hardening od arteries, metabolizes fat and removes fat from the liver. caffeine depletes this vitamin from the body

Deficiencies include irritability, mood swings, high cholesterol, anxiety, depression, and arteriosclerosis ( hardening of arteries)


metabolizes adipose fat tissue, for example Cellulite and stubborn body fat.helps balance blood pressure and metabolizes cholesterol. Good for the kidneys, brain function, reproduction and fetal development.

Deficiencies include arteriosclerosis ( hardening of arteries), inability to digest fats, kidney and liver problems, high blood pressure and ulcers

Vitamin C

The Body cannot make vitamin c. Vitamin c is needed to help the body absorb more iron and to metabolize folic acid and some amino acids. This vitamin is vital for tissue health in glands, organs, skin, teeth and gums. Combats diseases and infections. It is antibiotic and helps to protect and strengthen the lungs. This vitamin is water soluble.

Deficiencies include tooth decay, gum disease, delayed wound healing, weak immune systems, anemia, varicose veins or hemorrhages under the skin.

Smoking, drinking alcohol, birth control pills, diabetes, cancer, auto immune diseases, steroids, medications for blood, depression and pain killers deplete vitamin c from the body so if any of these apply to you make sure you are getting adequate amounts of vitamin c in your diet. Ascorbic acid is a fragment of vitamin C and works together with Beta Carotene and Vitamin E.

Vitamin D

Also known as Ergosterol. Sunlight is the best form of vitamin D. Sunlight is converted by cholesterol to vitamin D in the liver. the liver and kidneys also are responsible for converting the vitamin d from your food to make it accessible to you. Vitamin D2 is what is made from the food and Vitamin D3 is made from sunlight. Vitamin D helps the body absorb and stabilize other minerals in the body. Vitamin D also acts as a hormone as it nourishes the glands. this vitamin is beneficial for growth, muscles, heart, blood, bones and thyroid gland. This vitamin is oil soluble.

Deficiencies include tooth decay, weak bones (osteoarthritis) and bone structure (osteoporosis) , lack of energy, eye problems, weight loss, slow growth in children, insomnia and loss of appetite.

Vitamin E

This vitamin is an antioxidant, helps to improve veins, arteries, heart, circulation and reducing blood pressure. Key nutrient for skin, tissues, stabilizes energy and PMS. Improves oxygen levels in the body, stamina and muscle function. reduces scars and keloids. This vitamin is oil soluble.

Deficiencies include breathing issues, strokes, heart disease, muscle and skin disease, infertility, impotency, reproduction and menstrual problems.

Vitamin P

Also known as your Bioflavonoids. This vitamin acts as an antibacterial. the human body cannot make bioflavonoids. This vitamin is essential in injuries as it helps to build and strengthen cell walls and tissues, prevents hemorrhaging. it has been used to reduce herpes, lower cholesterol, increase circulation and liver health (stimulates bile production).

Deficiencies include hypertension, eczema, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, dark spots on the skin.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is a combination of inositol and vitamin B and is good for building red blood cells, growth and healing of the cells, skin and hair.

Deficiencies include hair loss (balding) , skin diseases and discoloration, poor circulation, and mental illness

Vitamin F

Also known as your Fatty Acids. Good for all mucous membranes, adrenal glands, growth, heart, and skin.

Deficiencies include liver and kidney issues, reproductive problems (male and female), skin diseases and hair loss.

Vitamin K

Helps the body make prothrombin which makes the blood clot. Helps stop heavy bleeding and menstruation, helps convert glucose into glycogen which is then stored in the liver for energy.helps to harden bones and resist infections. This vitamin is oil soluble.

Deficiencies include Bone loss, low energy, nose bleeds, hemorrhaging and internal bleeding.

Vitamin T

Helps build build and produce new cells

Deficiencies include weak memory, Bleeding easily.

Vitamin U

Helps in healing wounds

Deficiencies include Ulcers

Vitamin G

Keeps nervous system healthy

Vitamin L

Helps with cell production and breast feeding