

Nothing is upheld without foundation and structure. This triune is a foundation to a strong, healthy, well balanced being. Like a tree, the treetop is only as strong as the roots.


Water is cleansing and balancing, Staying hydrated keeps your internal rivers flowing. The best and simplest way to purify the body. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Purify the temple. Clean house. Obey your nature.  Simplify the mind and body because nothing can be achieved in chaos and disarray. Think about it like this... any still body of water you see is always swampy and has bacterial growth in it because its still and is not flowing.  Flowing water is always clean. The same goes for our body. We are 3 parts water and so is the earth. We are just a mere reflection of what we see. The outside is the inside and vice versa.  HYDRATE


Food is energy. Before we feed ourselves we should be feeding our cells. We are made up of NUTRIENTS called vital minerals in the form of micros and macros. We need to replenish these nutrients with natural foods that strengthen, cleanse and build the body back up, as they are used up and depleted in everyday life. Whole Foods promotes cellular movement, energy, changes and growth. You are what you eat and your immune system is created in the gut. Nourishment also comes from the sun and nature. Being outside is nourishing to the skin, the glands and your senses. Resting is also nourishment because with rest, energy and health can be restored.


Movement can be medicinal. Exercising the interior and exterior muscles is a must. Breathing is internal movement. Meditative breathing and cardio exercise helps to strengthen diaphragm, lungs and heart which fuels all other movement in the body. Natural movement like pushing, pulling, squatting, jumping walking and running strengthens the skeletal and muscular system.
