

Yes we know there are thousands of Different herbs but those herbs also belong to a group themselves. The different TYPES of herbs are :

Alteratives- herbs that slow down the action of another herb

Anthelmintics- herbs that remove intestinal worms

Antiperiodics-  herbs that reduce seizures caused by fevers or nervous disorders like epilepsy 

Anti-inflammatory herbs- reduces inflammatory dis ease

Antipyretics- herbs used to reduce fever

Antiseptics/disinfectant- herbs that kill the growth of germs or bacteria

Astringents- herbs that cause internal and external skin to tighten and allow heat to stay inside the body bu closing mucous membrane pores reducing excessive fluid secretion

Bitter Tonics- herbs used to aid in digestion. They increase saliva and digestive fluids 

Calmatives- herbs used to stimulate the body through smell and taste and relaxes the body

Catharics (laxatives / purgatives)-  these herbs are used for constipation

And should not be used too often or by pregnant women 

Demulcents- have a slimy texture by nature and are used  to protect and soothe and coat internal organs

Diaphoretics- open pores and increase perspiration 

Diuretics- herbs that increase urination. Taken for kidney and bladder problems and should be taken with demulcent herbs

Emollients- naturally oily herbs. Used topically for soothing and softening skin irritation externally and internally 

Expectorants- causes one to spit up phlegm from the lungs. These herbs speed up the cleansing of toxins from respiratory system and should be combined with demulcent herbs

Nervines (relaxants)- these herbs are good for stress and fatigue and induces relaxtion

Stimulants (nerve)- these herbs speed up nerve reactions. These are allopathic. 

Refrigerants- herbs that cool the body down

Sedatives- herbs that calm pain. Usually used for menstrual  pain . These herbs hide cause of pain so should not be used to hide pain caused by unknown sources because pain is the bodies way to signal alarm that there is some sort of dis ease in the body and so should be dealt with accordingly 

Stimulants- these herbs excite and increase the action of bodily systems. Should be used in small amounts to be effective 

Vulnerary-  these herbs are applied to open wounds. They cause the body to heal faster by delivering nutrients directly and decreases scarring

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