


Bones make blood, blood makes tissues, tissues makes organs, organs make you and breath give you life. BB&B is like chopping wood, carrying water. one hand washes the other and both wash the face.


Your bones are probably some of the most precious things in the body because it holds cells that you’ve had since a baby we must take care of our bones by exercising and eating a variety of Whole Foods, getting sunlight and good rest.


The blood is the necessary middle man. your blood is your nile river. its the transporter, the circulatory, your flow. It plays an important role in keeping the rest of the body BALANCED, and nourished. Cardio is important in helping to keep the blood flowing smoothly as well as eating foods that don’t cause plaque build up in the blood stream.


The breath is only as strong as which it comes through. Healthy lungs are key, and the diaphragm is the mystery muscle. We breath in oxygen breathe out carbon dioxide and the trees and plants breath in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen for us. This is a divine exchange. Similar to the detox/redox process. Its imperative that we spend time in nature, eat lots of green foods and exercise the lungs and diaphragm with cardio or meditative breathing exercises. oxygen helps to kill bacteria/toxins.


Chondrus Crispus Seamoss is very good for the bones, blood and lungs aka breath (healthy re-spirit-ation).

Chondrus crispus (curly cartilage) is a starch that holds water so it helps the body stay hydrated and builds tissues. What makes it so beneficial to the body is that it is a galactose based starch as opposed to your normal glucose based starches. Galactose is a sugar that is also found in your nerves, cells, bone marrow, and neurons that is used for energy. Chondrus Crispus is high in fiber and feeds your microbiome so can be used as probiotics.

Chondrus crispus has been used to help people regenerate damaged bones, tissues, blood and brain cells

As a food it is a supplement used to oxygenate the cells, strengthen the lungs, bones, eye, hair, skin, brain, metabolizes fat and helps with digestion, ulcers and many other stomach illnesses.

Chondrus crispus has a high percentage of the essential minerals that the human body uses everyday.

Chondrus crispus is Antitussive (prevent or relieve cough), nutrient, demulcent ( soothing), pectoral (pertaining to chest), antibacterial (kills bacteria) , detoxicant (detoxifies the body), anticoagulant (prevents coagulation), hypotensive (lower blood pressure) and lowers blood cholesterol levels. Rich in polysaccharides, which help your body convert food into sustained energy.

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Chondrus crispus has been used to help people regenerate damaged bones, tissues, blood and brain cells. Chondrus crispus has a high percentage of the essential minerals that the human body uses everyday.
