


Seamoss is ALGAE a sea vegetable. Seamoss is traditionally used to help people regenerate damaged bones, tissues, blood and brain cells. address bronchitis and respiratory disorders, dry cough, to cleanse mucous membranes, for inflammation, helps with digestion, ulcers,.irritable stomach, gastric and duodenal ulcers, to protect lining of the stomach from acidity and for inflammation of the kidneys or bladder. Its used to oxygenate the cells, strengthen the eyes, hair, skin, brain, and metabolizes fat. Seamoss is Antitussive (prevent or relieve cough), nutrient, demulcent, pectoral, antibacterial, detoxicant, anticoagulant, hypotensive and lowers blood cholesterol levels. Rich in polysaccharides, which help your body convert food into sustained energy.

Seamoss is great when grown and used properly. Normal starchy veggies contain glucose but this sea starchy veggie contains galactose, which is the same thing in a mothers breast milk. What makes it so beneficial to the body is the galactose, the mineral content is a given. Galactose is a sugar that is also found in your nerves, cells, bone marrow, and neurons that is used for energy. Galactose is what feeds the microbiome and can be used as probiotics to heal stomach issues and also very good for mucus membranes and brain plasticity and helps the bodies immune system respond to illness and inflammation faster.


All Algae is seamoss, its a moss that grows in the sea on rocks, most fish eat algae. There are hundreds of species of seamoss. The seamoss that we will be referring to is chondrus crispus which means curly cartilage. Chondrus crispus is a red perennial algae that grows in deep ocean waters where it gets all of its nutrients from The plant is usually purplish-red-brown when fresh, light to golden yellow (sun dried/sun bleached). the deeper it grows, the darker it is (pigment). Seamoss comes in many species and colors ranging from gold to purple. the lighter color canbcomes from the drying process, the specie type, and how deep in the waters it was when harvested. Seamoss is harvested all over the Caribbean and also places like Atlantic Ocean, Artic, New England, Irish Coast, North America, Europe and Japanese coastal regions. Seamoss is harvested in warm and cold water climates, some moss are thicker and some thinner fronds. for example, Jamaica most of the times have thicker moss fronds and hondorus has thinner moss fronds. Both are almost equally nutritious with minor differences.

Chondrus crispus is said to have most of the essential minerals that the human body uses everyday and when combined with other herbs and algae it has 100% of the essential minerals and a complete plant based amino profile which are the building blocks of proteins and helps the body REGENERATE NEW CELLS, it helps to repair damaged mitoCHONDRia (pay attention to the relation and consistencies in the words and letters). People with damaged mitochondria may experience problems like diabetes, cancer, hypertension, thyroid problems and other disease and illnesses.

Chrondrus consists of 55 to 90%mucilage , Essential minerals; carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, iodine, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, silica, magnesium, iron, zinc and polysaccharides and others. seamoss helps the body stay hydrated and builds tissues.

As a food it is used to oxygenate the cells, strengthen the lungs, bones, eye, hair, skin, brain, metabolizes fat and helps with digestion, ulcers and many other stomach illnesses.

Different types of seamoss make different types of gels, the differences in gel range from soft like jello to thicker gels and range in select minerals so adding a variety or a blend of herbs that are complete in essential vitamins and minerals ensures you have a multi mineral seamoss gel. Most seamoss has a high percentage of the essential minerals that the human body uses everyday.


for every 1 oz of raw dried seamoss, add 4-6 cups of water, let seamoss simmer on low til boil in distilled water only or a brewed and strained herbal tea. stir periodically to ensure the seamoss is absorbed in the water. (seamoss holds 200x its weight) Once seamoss is done dissolving pour everything into a jar or pot with lid in the refrigerator to cool and this is where it will turn into a jello like substance. eat or drink at least 2 tablespoons a day. Seamoss gel can be added to any food or liquid or eaten alone,



Bromide means consisting of 2 elements one of which is bromine. Bladderwrack aka fucus and seamoss together create bromide.

Bladderwrack is another type of algae or seaweed. It is also a type of seamoss and has the same minerals than chondrus crispus. Seamoss detoxes while bladderwrack builds, so these two together make the perfect pair. Bromide  acts as a natural diuretic, it suppresses the appetite, regulates the bowels, and it is helpful to the overall digestive system. High in zinc, calcium, and vitamins A & B complex.

Seamoss combined with bladderwrack and burdock root It is one of the richest sources of minerals like, calcium, iodine, sodium, manganese, sulphur, silicon, zinc and copper. It is used as a nutrient, detoxicant, to stimulate the circulation of lymph and endocrine gland. It is anti-hypothyroid, anti-rheumatic, a blood tonic, adaptogen, antibiotic and mild diuretic. It is hypoglycemic and anti-microbial.


Seamoss also contains carrageenan which is extracted from algae and used as an additive and thicker in foods and beauty products so seamoss must be heated in order to break down the poligeenans (carrageenan). In heated water, seamoss swells and absorbs the water (which is why eating RAW seamoss can cause inflammation or swelling in the body), the carrageenan cools and turns liquids to gels (which is why you should use spring water not tap water because you don’t want the seamoss to absorb and hold onto toxins in the gel). mixing seamoss with herbs will make your seamoss even more nutritious as it will absorb all the healing properties of the herbs.


The human body requires 16-23 essential minerals or nutrients and the others are trace minerals and elements
16-23 of the minerals that are useful to the body can be found in a variety of natural foods as well as seamoss.
Minerals like Aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury, beryllium are toxic heavy metals and some metals are inorganic and alkaline but that doesn’t mean you should have them.
The most essential minerals (including trace) include calcium, phosphorous, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and chloride. Sodium, potassium, and chloride are also electrolytes, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, vanadium, Cobalt, Boron, silicon, fluoride (Lithium not essential but has some biological functions) Some algae species contain fatty acids, protiens, lipids, sterols, vitamins, polysaccharides, etc. Out of all of the species of algae, neither of them have 92 minerals. There are many elements but elements are not the same as minerals
3 gasses considered essential – Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen.

Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are called micronutrients because the body needs them in smaller amounts than carbohydrate, protein, and fat.  Vitamins and minerals help to release energy from carbohydrate, protein, and fat.

There are 13 essential vitamins: vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and 8 B vitamins.

Vitamins help the body maintain healthy eyes and skin, acting as antioxidants to protect your cells from damage, and contributing to healthy  reproduction & growth, strong bones and normal blood clotting. 

There are 16 essential minerals classified into two equally important groups:

Major minerals and Trace minerals.

The major minerals, which are used and stored in large quantities in the body, are calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and sulfur.

The trace minerals are just as vital to our health as the major minerals, but we don't need large amounts. Trace minerals include chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc.

calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, and selenium, molybdenum, chromium, and fluoride play important roles in maintaining blood pressure, fluid & electrolyte balance, and bone health; making new cells; delivering oxygen to cells; and contributing to normal muscle and nerve functioning. 

some Essential Minerals:

CALCIUM- builds bones and teeth; activates enzymes throughout the body; helps regulate blood pressure; and helps muscles to contract, nerves to send messages, and blood to clot.

CHROMIUM- helps maintain normal blood sugar levels and helps cells draw energy from blood sugar.

COPPER- assists with metabolizing fuel, making red blood cells, regulating neurotransmitters, and mopping up free radicals.

IRON- helps make hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying chemical in the body's red blood cells) and myoglobin (a protein in muscle cells). Iron is essential for activating certain enzymes and for making amino acids, collagen, neurotransmitters, and hormones.

MAGNESIUM- like calcium, builds bones and teeth. It also helps to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar and enables muscles to contract, nerves to send messages, blood to clot, and enzymes to work.

MANGANESE- helps form bones and helps metabolize amino acids, cholesterol, and carbohydrates.

MOLYBDENUM- activates several enzymes that break down toxins and prevents the buildup of harmful sulfites in the body.

POTASSIUM- balances fluids in the body, helps to maintain a steady heartbeat and to make muscles contract, and may benefit bones and blood pressure.

SODIUM- balances fluids in the body, helps send nerve impulses, and helps make muscles contract.

ZINC- helps blood clot, helps make proteins and DNA, bolsters the immune system, and helps with wound healing and cell division.


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